Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sometimes people's lives break my heart. On waking up, after feeding my cats, and sitting on the couch, with my coffee I heard this whimper that I could not make out. As I sat with my first coffee I looked again out of the balcony, and I saw her, a beautiful German Sheppard that had been tied up to the cart attached to a van, and manage to escape, but she kept on coming back and she broke my heart, I got dressed quickly couldn't find my coffee mug, took an old one filled it with coffee and ran downstairs with stupid pants that kept on slipping down. I managed to call her back, and she came to me, whimpering, I soothed her, tried to find her owner but he was no where, it was early and I annoyed a whole bunch of people by pushing the honk loudly and for a few minutes, hoping the owner would come out I had found her and kept her close to me. In trying to find her owner, well  whoever left her roped to the van. I walked around, then  had an inkling and went to knock on one door that a man who had the tools of the trade could be in. But no luck. The door was unlocked I must have called 5 different numbers, trying to find the owner, because I would never bring her to SPCA she was so sweet, so beautiful so instead I ramsacked the owner's van trying to find a name a number, finally found after 30 minutes of calling and checking a driver's license with the name, I called for the number he said it wasn't him, i called several number....nothing. Everyone who saw her gave her a wide berth fearing like most do the German Sheppard. She was a pussy cat, really although she put me through her spaces turning me this way , that way, almost had me fall on the cement when she spotted the dreaded squirrels. Battle of the wills....I sat and she sat next to me and I told her what am I suppose to do? bring you to the SPCA, not a chance. Sit here until someone comes out. I'm outta of food I have to go shopping. If I hadn't had my 3 cats I would have brought her up and try to keep her quiet until i found the owner. Inside the truck though was a baby cart, tons of literature and pamphlet on God and had crosses everywhere. I tried everything i could think of, then discouraged I sat down and a black jeans, black sweater dark hair man came out, and said it's ok, she followed me so i took her. I looked at him and asked him please tell me she's yours, I said no judgment please tell me she's yours. He couldn't answer. So I gave him a hug, he put the German Sheppard in the truck and went back to his work the windows were opened, and it was cool...but he got shy to admit this was his van. No judgment you live the way you have to. On My way out, cause i do have to go buy food, I'll bring him some water to drink. Although his truck front seat is a mess as I went through everything. Oh gosh, I know I'll give her my old coffee mug which he can't spill much and at least she can drink a bit...if I find the owner and he says ok....I woke up at six it's now 9h00...and I feel like a truck ran over me...but she was so beautiful....To all those who are homeless I give you my heart.


  1. unfortunately when I went down, they had left...God Bless the Man and his beautiful lovely German Sheppard, she was really so gentle, at one point I sat on the stone stairs, and she sat next to me, so lovely, so beautiful, and when I tried to get up she didn't want to her so I stayed with her sitting on those stairs until he showed up. Since he had so many crosses and literature on God, I asked my German Sheppard Bennie who dies in 2004 to help! I guess he did!

    1. Lorraine, you are a precious soul! Thank you for being you! Hugs ;o)

    2. Oh my dear Stacy how did I not see your beautiful comment, talking about precious soul....that \i forgot to respond to shame on moi!

  2. Lovely and sad story at the same time, dear Lorraine. You have a gentle and loving heart and did what you could.
    That rose is are you~

    ~Hugs and Love~

    1. You would have loved her too, dear Jan she was so gentle and beautiful and so lost...and it takes one to know one my dear hugs and Love always xoxoxo

  3. A bittersweet story, Lorraine. You heart is so gentle, and so big! I love that you help the animals. They are often forgotten, neglected, abused and abandoned, and they need kindness and compassion. Thank goodness for people like you.

    1. It is, and Martha you are exactly the kind of person who care for people, their troubles, and animals it shows in everything you post, i feel blessed to know you

  4. Oh my Dear, happenings like this, are so draining. We feel so, so, so sorry for an animal in need. But what to do? What to do?

    Gentle hugs,

    1. I agree Tessa, I didn't know what to do bring her to the SPCA not on my life, if I didn't have my three cats i would have brought upstairs to my apt and fed her and give her water, no matter the trouble I"d get into, but it's harsh and when I saw the baby cart in the back, it just broke my heart, I'll never complain about living in an apt again...gosh it takes something like that to show you how much you have, thanks for coming over Tessa, I appreciate it

  5. Your giving... is a gift to us all, Thank you deeply, LL. _m

    1. oh Doug, you're going to make me're such a nice man!

  6. Lorraine, you have such a dear and loving heart. Tears come to my eyes reading this, there are so many amongst us who are hurting, you were there for that sweet dog. I love your sweet and gently beauty and am honored to know you.

    1. and you are the same Lisa Isabella, you are a loving caring young beautiful woman, who gives so much of her, the honor is all mine

  7. Your story is humbling. Most wouldn’t have gotten involved. I wouldn’t have expected anything less of you in such a situation.. You have me wondering what I would have done??
    Great photo, by the way.

    1. You're a kind man Anthony, I think you would have sat with her brought her water, and then sketched her until the owner came, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, :) thank you very much

  8. smiles...your heart shines through in this...the compassion for those without...i have a huge heart for the homeless because i have been steps away from it myself...but your heart is beautiful L

    1. Oh B. you'll make me cry...homeless breaks my heart, knowing you were almost there breaks it even more,talking about beautiful hearts, I always see yours ....And I'm so happy you have Tara and the boys, take care ok? x

  9. another human "being" what God intended - helping others including dogs. Love your compassion.

    1. Thank you Sandy, you are the same, taking care of those who are so often neglected, you are among the human 'being' that God intended, you have the same compassion and I'm so glad x

  10. You are a beautiful, caring person! Thank you for being you!

    1. As I finally responded how could i not see you? you are the same beautiful caring person, so if you thank me, thank yourself as well x
